Psalm of Change

Slowly We Breathe The Change

Please read like a psalm and pause at each selah (asterisk) *

Slowly we breathe,
We support a space, singing an ode to “we,” men and women * and however we identify.

Slowly we breathe,
We support a space where we can be open, be imagined by the best in all of us * to do the most for those with the least.

Slowly we breathe,
We support a space safe of no accusation, of no oppression * where anger can arise and blossom into inspiration.

Slowly we breathe,
We support a space for the feminine voice * and for voices to be heard that have not been heard, and for those who have been silenced.

Slowly we breathe,
We support a space for those who did not hear or could not listen * or would not listen.

Slowly we breathe,
We support a space for deep and loving reconciliation * for feminine and masculine voices to sing in unison again.

Slowly we breathe,
We support a space for words that will inspire a thousand years of deeds * that will make a difference.

Slowly we breathe,
We support a space for faith that enables us to change who we are * and be the loving transformation the greater “we” wants us to be. 

Slowly we breathe,
We support a space to feel the curiosity, to give our names, to add our effort * to leave a loving impression for millennia to come.

Slowly we breathe,
May we become the psalm of change, amen.

The Psalm of Change is read at every Mary Manifesto meeting. It was written after extensive conversations with women and men who have championed women’s rights, equality and voice.

The Psalm of Change is copyright Jamie Coats 2021 and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.